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April Newsletter
Hello, I hope this finds you well!
Spring is making an appearance on the Ranch. The birds are coming back, and singing their songs getting ready to lay eggs.
The grass is greening up as the Grazing animals anxiously await their chance to be rotationally grazed throughout the season.
Soon the cows will be having their calves in the tall, green grass and Sunshine!
I will have Home Grown Grass Fed Hamburger, and Specialty Meats (hot dogs, jerky, beef sticks,) soon. Usually the processing is done right here in New Germany. Contact me soon if you would like some.
I am excited to announce my New Comprehensive Series on Roping! Everything from Beginner to Advanced will be covered. I cover different styles of Roping.
This is an ongoing Series on my Patreon page. Click to View my Patreon Page
I also Cover many Horsemanship Topics on my Pateron Page!
If you Join my Patreon Page in the Month of April I will give you a code for 10% off my Store.
Thank you,
Trails of Happiness
Brian K Whittaker BKW Horsemanship LLC
Whitts End Ranch
I have a New Online Store for all kinds of Whitts End Ranch Merchandise. I have Mugs, T-shirts, Hoodies and much More.
Please Subcribe to my Youtube Channel for Horsemanship, Roping, and Roping Topics
BKW Horsemanship LLC at Whitts End Ranch I am offering roping, and horsemanship lessons. Group and Private.
I take a limited number of horses in for training for whatever you would like to work on
I work with people and horses to the level they are at trying to reach a higher potential for both horse and rider.
Roping can be done on the ground, and horseback. I have roping sleds and cattle available.
I can help you if you want to track cattle with your horse without roping, whether it is you and/or horses' first time or you want to advance your abilities with cattle
Click my website for more details
Spring is making an appearance on the Ranch. The birds are coming back, and singing their songs getting ready to lay eggs.
The grass is greening up as the Grazing animals anxiously await their chance to be rotationally grazed throughout the season.
Soon the cows will be having their calves in the tall, green grass and Sunshine!
I will have Home Grown Grass Fed Hamburger, and Specialty Meats (hot dogs, jerky, beef sticks,) soon. Usually the processing is done right here in New Germany. Contact me soon if you would like some.
I am excited to announce my New Comprehensive Series on Roping! Everything from Beginner to Advanced will be covered. I cover different styles of Roping.
This is an ongoing Series on my Patreon page. Click to View my Patreon Page
I also Cover many Horsemanship Topics on my Pateron Page!
If you Join my Patreon Page in the Month of April I will give you a code for 10% off my Store.
Thank you,
Trails of Happiness
Brian K Whittaker BKW Horsemanship LLC
Whitts End Ranch
I have a New Online Store for all kinds of Whitts End Ranch Merchandise. I have Mugs, T-shirts, Hoodies and much More.
Please Subcribe to my Youtube Channel for Horsemanship, Roping, and Roping Topics
BKW Horsemanship LLC at Whitts End Ranch I am offering roping, and horsemanship lessons. Group and Private.
I take a limited number of horses in for training for whatever you would like to work on
I work with people and horses to the level they are at trying to reach a higher potential for both horse and rider.
Roping can be done on the ground, and horseback. I have roping sleds and cattle available.
I can help you if you want to track cattle with your horse without roping, whether it is you and/or horses' first time or you want to advance your abilities with cattle
Click my website for more details
February 2020 NEWSLETTER
Hello! we are on the home stretch for winter!
Lots of exciting things going on at Whitts End Ranch. I have a groudwork roping clinic coming up that is full. Stay tuned for more clinics coming up, including working with cattle in the Spring!
The horses are doing well. I am working on advancing several of my younger ones, and continue to rope.
My Grass Fed Cattle Herd continues to improve. I am very pleased with the quality of life and health of the animals. I see improvement in the land by using the cattle as a valuable tool regenerate the soil. I see diverse wildlife thrive using this Holistic Method. Last summer I expanded another 20 acres reclaiming it back into grassland. I see a huge number of Dung beetles. They are an important help in improving soil fertility, and quality. Dung Beetles are a great natural way to decrease the fly population.
I should have some home raised Grass Fed Beef available this Summer/Fall. If you are interested in this healthy, regenerative, and tasty alternative please contact me soon.
I have a New Online Store for all kinds of Whitts End Ranch Merchandise. I have Mugs, T-shirts, Hoodies and much More.
I am offering a 10% discount on everything in my Online store through the weekend. Use Promo Code:"LOVESICK" at checkout
Lots of exciting things going on at Whitts End Ranch. I have a groudwork roping clinic coming up that is full. Stay tuned for more clinics coming up, including working with cattle in the Spring!
The horses are doing well. I am working on advancing several of my younger ones, and continue to rope.
My Grass Fed Cattle Herd continues to improve. I am very pleased with the quality of life and health of the animals. I see improvement in the land by using the cattle as a valuable tool regenerate the soil. I see diverse wildlife thrive using this Holistic Method. Last summer I expanded another 20 acres reclaiming it back into grassland. I see a huge number of Dung beetles. They are an important help in improving soil fertility, and quality. Dung Beetles are a great natural way to decrease the fly population.
I should have some home raised Grass Fed Beef available this Summer/Fall. If you are interested in this healthy, regenerative, and tasty alternative please contact me soon.
I have a New Online Store for all kinds of Whitts End Ranch Merchandise. I have Mugs, T-shirts, Hoodies and much More.
I am offering a 10% discount on everything in my Online store through the weekend. Use Promo Code:"LOVESICK" at checkout
BKW Horsemanship LLC at Whitts End Ranch
I am offering roping, and horsemanship lessons. Group and Private.
I take a limited number of horses in for training for whatever you would like to work on
I work with people and horses to the level they are at trying to reach a higher potential for both horse and rider.
Roping can be done on the ground, and horseback. I have roping sleds and cattle available.
I can help you if you want to track cattle with your horse without roping, whether it is you and/or horses' first time or you want to advance your abilities with cattle
I am offering roping, and horsemanship lessons. Group and Private.
I take a limited number of horses in for training for whatever you would like to work on
I work with people and horses to the level they are at trying to reach a higher potential for both horse and rider.
Roping can be done on the ground, and horseback. I have roping sleds and cattle available.
I can help you if you want to track cattle with your horse without roping, whether it is you and/or horses' first time or you want to advance your abilities with cattle

Whitts End Ranch Newsletter
July 2016 Newsletter
Happy July from Whitts End Ranch!
Summer is in full swing here at the ranch.
Over 70 Large square bales were just baled on some of the pastures weighing approximately 800 pounds each on roughly 12 acres, some of which had been grazed in the Spring.
Whitts End Ranch has implemented intensive rotational grazing, or "mob grazing." In short with the use of electric fence and temporary posts to contain the grazing animals to a set area so they graze most of the grasses somewhat even, and yes even most weeds. What they don't graze they trample into the soil benefiting the soil. This also helps the grass grow quicker, and more evenly with all different types of grasses growing benefiting the wildlife, and of course the animals eating the grass. This eliminates the need for chemical herbicides, and fertilizer.
The weather has been great for growing grass, but the yields are far surpassing any years of the 14 years I have been on this ranch.
So far I have witnessed more butterflies then I can recall. I saw a female mallard duck diligently sitting on her 10 eggs until they finally hatched out. Different species of birds to utilize the pasture.
I was riding Sawyer to check on cattle, fence, and the pasture in some taller grass when he stopped suddenly inches from a newborn fawn that was taking shelter in the grass while its mother was off somewhere feeding.
This got me to thinking about all that was taking place in the one instance. First of all I am giving my horse an important job to do. Horses quickly understand what is being asked of them when they are given a job or task. While riding my horse and checking on fence, cattle, grass, etc I am accomplishing all those things at one time. The other important thing about using my horse that day is my horse has a brain, and he quickly decided he did not want to step on that fawn. I do like to use my four wheeler for some ranch jobs, but in that case it would have been terrible for that fawn. I could not see that far ahead on the four wheeler. Meanwhile I am also not burning fuel which helps the bottom line.
This has been on my mind a lot lately is giving the horse a job. No task is too small. If you stop and think about all the things you can do to give a horse a job it would be endless. I have an almost half mile long driveway. Some days, given the Minnesota weather,to get the mail horseback is a fairly big job!
Contact me for Roping, Riding/Horsemanship lessons. $40
I also take a limited amout of outside training horses $700 per month includes board and training.
I will be scheduling Clinics soon. Contact me if you have an interest in attending, or would like to schedule one in your area.
I have many tools to help with your horsemanship and roping needs.
I have a round pen, a large well lighted outdoor arena with both team roping, ranch roping, and, and breakaway/ tiedown roping machines. I do have live cattle as well.
I can help with general cattle work. Everything from getting your horse confident with cattle to more advanced work. Working with cattle is a great way to get your horses responding better. It gives them a reason why you are asking them to slow down, speed up, go left and right, use their hind and front ends, and on. I generally start horses on cattle their second ride.
I have a select few horses for sale that are used on the ranch and get hauled to events. Contact me to discuss if I might have something that may suit you. Prices currently are $4000 and up.
I am going to competitions throughout the summer and looking forward to doing that with my horses.
In the fall I will have pasture raised chicken eggs for sale. These are fresh, great tasting eggs from healthy, happy chickens.
In the near future I will have completely grass fed cattle and beef for sale.
Have a great July!
Brian K. Whittaker
Whitts End Ranch